Since 2020 all collections under the Quinze and Milan label are produced and commercialized by SDC_lab.

All information can be found on

A collection of Originals

Put your feet up, lean back, dip a chip, sip a Seltzer, and chill out on an original Quinze & Milan. Just keep in mind that Quinze & Milan collections go beyond furniture design. Our products prompt you to spin tales, to dream, and to shape a reality all your own.

Created by guest designers from various disciplines, Quinze & Milan collections encompass parts of a whole rather than existing as solitary objects.  These are designer pieces that imbue a space with meaning by skirting the edges of all that is obvious. Pieces that exude energy and push the envelope of design.


Primary collection

In 1999, the iconic PRIMARY POUF 01 kicked off the success of Quinze & Milan™, a proprietary collection originally developed and produced by Quinze & Milan.  

Stripped to the essence, PRIMARY is the first comprehensive Quinze & Milan collection and a line that deserves to be called a Q&M classic.

Quinze & Milan™ Collections go beyond furniture design.

Our products prompt you to spin tales, to dream and to shape a reality all your own.

We like to push the boundaries – our own and those of the people around us. In our cosmos, boundaries exist only to be shifted…